Saturday, March 14, 2009

As a Little Rain Drop...

As a Little Rain Drop....

After a long time, I had a Dream;
A dream, in which I can fly,
I can kiss the snowy sky
and I can feel the fragrance of breeze.

But; What a misfortune of mine!!!
I woke up from my dreams-
By the gentle touch of tiny Rain drops.
I loved raining all the time But this time?, What i will do?
I can't break the friendship of ours I can't never ensnare him.
I would like to have another dream with them,
By enjoying their gentle touch.
I love these rain drops a lot
I felt these rain drops are my-
Loving mother's tears,who loved me a lot
Now I'm alone here..
I can feel my mother's loving kiss,
By the touch of these rain drops.
And i dissolved in these rain drops,
As another little rain drop..

By Arun

(This Poem was Published in PSNA CET College Magazine-2006)


  1. Nice............!!!! Gr8 2 see yet another budding Wordsworth here....

  2. Hey Arun,its nice man..u wrote it?i never knew that u had this kind of talent n all
